
The article mentions that the special attention is deserved by such persimmon varieties being included into the collection of Garden: Nikita Burgundy – the most famous of the hardiest varieties, widely used in industrial horticulture grade foreign breeding Hana Fuyu and a new, high-yielding variety of domestic breeding Souvenir of Autumn. Plant varieties included into the studying, grow in the same conditions at the collection site, which is located 200 meters from the coast at a height of 20-40 m above its level. Trees are 15 years old, planting scheme is 6x6 meters. The selected varieties belong to the group of constant tart on their quality whose fruits are edible only when fully ripe Varieties are characterized by high winter hardiness and disease resistance, which allows minimizing the chemicals using for plants treating and creates the conditions for organic food. The chemical composition fruits studying of three oriental persimmons varieties have performed high content of potassium, so it affords their using as a general tonic. The obtained results have revealed that according to the content of essential elements the leading fruit of variety Souvenir Autumn is considered to be, the less valuable are fruits of Nikita Burgundy, and Hana Fuyu fruits on this indicator are intermediate.

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