
The article studies the events of the military confrontation between the Shibi Qaghan and Sui Dynasty in 609 – 615 AD. It shows the political situation in China whose deterioration led to the political upheaval in 617 AD and the young Tang Dynasty came to power. By the end of the Sui Dynasty period there were more than 200 organized armed gangs that were tearing the empire apart and often found support from the Turks. In 615 AD the Turks also surrounded Emperor Sui Yangdi in the fortress of Yanmen and thereby put an end to his political career. At the beginning of VII century the Eastern Turk Empire had a great military and political influence in Central Asia and posed a threat to its neighbors. Along with the separatists who opposed the Sui Dynasty, the military governor Taiyuan Li Yuan sought the assistance of the Turks. He formed an alliance with them, and the Turks supported his nomination as the new ruler of China. Thus, in the events of 609 – 617 AD the Eastern Turks played a key role, and contributed to the deterioration of the situation at the end of the Sui Dynasty as well as to the ascent to power of the future first emperor of the new Tang Dynasty, Li Yuan.


  • The article studies the events of the military confrontation between the Shibi Qaghan and Sui Dynasty in 609 – 615 AD

  • It shows the political situation in China whose deterioration led to the political upheaval in 617 AD and the young Tang Dynasty came to power

  • By the end of the Sui Dynasty period there were more than 200 organized armed gangs that were tearing the empire apart and often found support from the Turks

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Поэтому я собираю много солдат для правого дела и хочу принести миру дружбу, привести обратно издалека нашего императора (Ян-ди Суй), а потом заключить с туцзюэ мир также как в годы Кайхуан (581 – 600). Это была его главная задача, так как тюрки представляли опасность для Ли Юаня и обладали военной силой, которую они могли направить против него. Шиби каган был против возвращения на престол императора Ян-ди династии Суй, с которым он враждовал с 615 г.

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