
Culture media for lactobacilli cultivation are used for their growth and reproduction in laboratory conditions, as well as in the production of dairy products. The composition of the developed nutrient medium includes: skimmed milk, yeast extract, lactose, lactulose, agar-agar, distilled water. This complex of components provides lactobacilli with essential nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. The constituent components of the nutrient medium are affordable and cheap to purchase. The work involved the cultivation of various types of lactobacilli. (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus bulgaricus; Lactobacillus casei) on various nutrient media (MRS, Milk agar with prebiotics). It follows from the results of the experiments that the growth rate of lactobacilli on the nutrient medium "Milk agar with prebiotics" is higher in comparison with analogues of industrial production. The greatest intensity of probiotic growth is observed in yogurt starter culture, which includes probiotics of the following species: Lactococcus lactis; Lactobacillus bulgaricus; Lactobacillus casei, grown on the nutrient medium "Milk agar with probiotics", it is 3.7 * 109 CFU/ gr. The high economic efficiency of the developed nutrient medium in comparison with foreign analogues has been confirmedA formulation of a production nutrient medium necessary for the cultivation of probiotic microorganisms has been developed. It has been established that the growth rate of various lactobacilli on this medium is higher in comparison with analogues of industrial production. The high economic efficiency of the developed nutrient medium has been confirmed in comparison with foreign analogues

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