
Xylotrechus quadripes (Chevrolat), the coffee white stemborer (CWSB), is a major pest of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) in some Asian countries. The CWSB was first reported in India in 1838. CWSB larvae make galleries in the main stem and thick primary branches of coffee plants. The pest causes substantial economic loss every year because infested plants have to be uprooted. The borer completes its life cycle in 1 year. There are two to three population peaks in 1 year and emergence periods depend on climatic conditions. Several natural enemies (parasitoids, predators and pathogens) and some alternative host plants of this borer have been recorded. Integrated management, i.e. cultural, mechanical, sex pheromone and chemical methods, has been adopted to control the stemborer. This review summarizes the most important work carried out on the bioecology and integrated management of X. quadripes. Also, we briefly discuss the need for future studies for better management of the CWSB.

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