
The terpenes constitute the largest family of substances of natural occurrence, being widely distributed in the plant kingdom and to a lesser extent in the animal kingdom. They are divisible according to the number of carbon atoms present into several groups, one of which is labeled sesqui-terpenes and is comprised of molecules containing fifteen carbon atoms. The sesquiterpenes are the largest group of terpenes, and are themselves subdivisible according to the arrangement of the carbon atoms in the molecular skeleton. In this chapter we shall be concerned with a subgroup having its carbon atoms arranged, in the main, in a bicyclic framework corresponding to a parent hydrocarbon formulated, for the moment without stereochemical implication, as (1) and named eremo-philane. These sesquiterpenes have been reviewed earlier (1, 2, 2a). We shall include with them a small group of closely-related sesquiterpenes having a carbon skeleton in which ring B in (1) has been contracted to a five-membered carbocycle, as in (2)

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