
This study investigated chemical and pharmaceutical equivalence of 11 brands of pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine combination tablets sold on the Tanzanian market. Physical and chemical tests were performed for all the 11 brands. These tests included hardness test, friability, disintegration, dissolution, weight uniformity and assay for the active components. All the brands passed all the quality specifications of the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) and British Pharmacopoeia (BP) in terms of hardness, friability, disintegration, assay and dissolution test, except for three brands that failed the hardness, disintegration or friability tests. One brand failed both the hardness and disintegration test; one failed the hardness test, whereas another one failed the friability test. The percentage content of pyrimethamine in the brands was in the range of 91.04-100.20% whereas that of sulphadoxine ranged from 91.53% to 99.88%. There were no major differences between the different brands of tablets containing pyrimethamine and sulphadoxine and the innovator product (Fansidar), and all brands were physically and chemically equivalent. The results indicate that the post-market surveillance and registration process in Tanzania is having an impact on product quality as there was no brand which could be considered of very poor quality. Impurity profiling of all the locally produced brands indicated that they all contained the same sulphadoxine impurity, which was absent in the innovator product, suggesting a common source of generic raw material.

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