
The article deals with the significance of learning outcomes, theoretical attitudes making impact on their relevance. The changes in activities of art pedagogues and study programmes are analyzed. In preparation and implementation of study programmes, it is important to survey what is really needed for a specialist-to-be, what learning outcomes must be achieved by one. The singling out, emphasizing of various fields of learning outcomes, even assessment underline the cohesion of outcomes and precondition the integer character of education. According to groups of outcomes singled out, it has been estimated what is emphasized for future fine art and design pedagogues. The group of the outcomes on abilities to carry out research is assessed a little lower and allows drawing assumptions on improvement of this field in the study programme Fine Art and Design. The changes impacted by new Regulations of Pedagogue Training predetermine the professional identity direction of art pedagogues, from a teacher creator to a more universal pedagogue who not so much actively creates but has more knowledge on art. The aim of the research presented in the article is to investigate the emphasis of learning outcomes of future fine art and design pedagogues, the assessment by drawing an assumption that this reflects professional significance. The research problem question: what groups of learning outcomes are the most emphasized, valued, perceived? The research object is the assessment of future fine art and design pedagogues’ learning outcomes as a priority of professional significance. The surveyed: the research sample is a target sample. In total, 52 respondents filled in the questionnaires: these were Bachelor’s students of Fine Art and Design speciality (this constitutes 65 % of all students of the programme studying in 2012–2013). Research methods. The method of data collection: an anonymous questionnaire in a written form. The research was carried out in spring of 2013. The method of data analysis: statistical analysis, for analysis of correlation between variables of nominal and range scales the SPSS tables of features rates (Crosstabs) were used.Economic rationalism, management theories, entrepreneurship ideas prompt the orientation of the study programme towards interested groups, their needs and society expectations. In the training of art pedagogues, the tendency towards education of a more universal pedagogue and a specialist generating ideas of conceptual project-method-based art and science. The changing teacher’s professional identity predetermines significance of results in all fields of education. The research in the context of art pedagogues’ training may deal with scientific research, pedagogical practical placements, part of educational performance and reflection as well as new field under formation, like a character of experimental art research. In the training of fine art and design pedagogues, a clearer emphasis on, integration of abilities to carry out research into various activities (both theoretical pedagogical artistic subjects and practical placements, analytical research work when preparing for a creative process) must be made. Selection of the research-based model of performance, planning, implementation, development, correction are also characteristic to performance of an art pedagogue; therefore, abilities to carry out research should find their place in both training of pedagogues and everyday practices of art subjects teachers, creating a new field of teacher’s identity and professional significance.


  • The article deals with the significance of learning outcomes, theoretical attitudes making impact on their relevance

  • The singling out, emphasising of various fields of learning outcomes, even assessment underline the cohesion of outcomes and precondition the integer character of education

  • According to groups of outcomes singled out, it has been estimated what is emphasised for future fine art and design pedagogues

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Gedutė Grigaliūnaitė

Lietuvos aukštojo mokslo institucijose parengiant ir įgyvendinant Europos kreditų kaupimo ir perkėlimo nacionalinę koncepciją pritaikoma „Tuning Educational Structures in Europe“ projekto įtvirtinta ECTS metodika, pagal kurią parengta Dailės ir dizaino studijų krypties kompetencijų plėtotės metodika (Gelūnas et al, 2011), bendrųjų kompetencijų ugdymas aukštojoje mokykloje ir kiti projekto rezultatų pagrindu parengti leidiniai. Kad teorinius modelius realybėje sunku tiksliai identifikuoti arba pritaikyti, tačiau universitetų valdymo sistemos siekia eiti link įmonių vadybos Tai yra svarstomų problemų platesnis kontekstas kalbant ir apie meno, dizaino, pedagogikos aukštojo mokslo studijas. Šiandien dėstytojo darbo krūvyje praktikos valandos nesudaro sąlygų skirti daug laiko skirtingose mokyklose išsibarsčiusiems studentams, o mokytojų atsakomybė yra formali pagalba, tačiau tai nėra įpareigojantis, finansiškai svarbus ar kitomis vadybos formomis mokytojo veiklą (pavyzdžiui, kvalifikacijos kėlimą ar kt.) lemiantis procesas. Studentai išskirdami kaip svarbius ir dėstytojų akcentuojamus socialinius gebėjimus tik atskleidė glaudų ryšį tarp mokytojo profesijos socialinio pobūdžio ir jų pačių požiūrio

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