
English: State anxiety is a negative emotion frequently experienced by individuals on a daily basis in situations where performance is required and where individuals feel a threat of failure or embarrassment. It has been increasingly in the focus of research due to its pervasive negative effect on academic performance, self-esteem, and the general well-being of students. Even though state anxiety in relation to public speaking is not always severe enough to be diagnosed as a social anxiety disorder, it is prevalent among the student population and causes a significant obstacle to academic performance and student well-being. This study examines the causes, treatment approaches and treatment success of state anxiety in public speaking by analyzing previous empirical studies, with the aim of identifying the most effective treatment approach. Results show that state anxiety in public speaking can be successfully tackled with emotion reappraisal, cognitive-behavioral group counselling, and embodied approaches. A comprehensive integrated literature review methodology explores each study's methods and contributions to state anxiety in relation to public speaking research and academic discourse. Sažetak Anksioznost stanja negativna je emocija koju pojedinci često doživljavaju svakodnevno u situacijama u kojima se zahtijeva učinak i u kojima pojedinci osjećaju prijetnju od neuspjeha ili neugodnosti. Sve je više u fokusu istraživanja zbog svog sveprisutnog negativnog učinka na akademsku izvedbu, samopoštovanje i opću dobrobit učenika. Iako anksioznost stanja u vezi s javnim govorom nije uvijek dovoljno jaka da bi se dijagnosticirala kao socijalni anksiozni poremećaj, prevladava među studentskom populacijom i uzrokuje značajnu prepreku akademskom uspjehu i dobrobiti studenata. Ovo istraživanje ispituje uzroke, pristupe liječenju i uspješnost liječenja stanja anksioznosti u javnom govoru analizirajući prethodna empirijska istraživanja, s ciljem identificiranja najučinkovitijeg pristupa liječenju. Rezultati pokazuju da se stanje anksioznosti u javnom govoru može uspješno riješiti preispitivanjem emocija, kognitivno-bihevioralnim grupnim savjetovanjem i utjelovljenim pristupima. Sveobuhvatna integrirana metodologija pregleda literature istražuje metode i doprinose svake studije stanju anksioznosti u odnosu na istraživanje javnog govora i akademski diskurs.

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