
The results presented to the readers of the study revealthe main milestones of the movement of invention and innovation made of staff of the Chernivtsi Medical Institute during the period 1944–1974, especially its most active figures, are still not enough studied inhistoriographical sources, devoted to the history of BSMU. The output of these data into scientific discourse circulation is the main purpose of the presented article. The relevance of the study is dictated by theapproaching 75th anniversary of the BSMU and the need to pay tribute to the scientists who have glorified our educational institution, as well as to educate future physicians on a creative approach to their profession. The methodology of the work is based on the analysis of archival materials (reports of the Institutes BRIZ and VOIR , the personal affairs of the inventors of inventions, references and reports on the work of the departments during this period), periodicals of the Committee on Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, scientific works of the most famous inventors of the Institute during this period (articles, monographs, dissertations), a special collection of registration of inventions and rationalization proposals (compiled by MG Tryniak). The method of synthesis helped to collect in the mass of unsystematic information of a bunch of necessary material in order to enter the modeling of the creative process of invention in the scientific team of the educational institution. Conclusions. During the first 30 years of existence of the Chernivtsi Medical Institute, his employees conducted a thorough search and innovative work. At the initial stage, in the 1940-1950s, the invention was dispersed, based on the enthusiasm of individual scholars who achieved a high level of professional mastery. During the period of the scientific work of the departments, this process is coordinated with the planned topics and problems of candidate and doctoral dissertations. Collective activities in the study of certain diseases, synthesis of drugs, tools, cooperation with other departments, with other scientific institutions and research institutes of other countries have appeared. The scientific discoveries of the staff of the medical institute are of interest to foreign colleagues. In the 1960s and 1970s, even each member of the staff registered own inventions in the Committee on Inventions and Discoveries of the USSR, and since rationalization proposals have been registered since the permanent functioning of the BRIZ and a VOIR based on the Institute. A number of scientists have been awarded the medals of the USSR Supreme Council. Their contribution to the economic development of society is becoming universally recognized. The Institute's leadership keeps constantly in the field of its attention the process of occurrence of innovations and their introduction into the system of public health services. Thus, in the first thirty years of the Institute's activity, inventing and innovating, as an unconditional indicator of the high professional skills of its employees, becomes a process of ordinary, working, inseparable for ChGDI, which leads it to the level of the best universities in Ukraine.

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