
A taxonomic treatment for the 17 species of Elaphoglossum sect. Setosa found in Brazil is presented. The species of this section are recognized by the presence of subulate scales and hydathodes on adult leaves, or if hydathodes apparently absent, the leaves less than 10 cm long and spathulate. Several species are also characterized by the presence of minute glandular hairs on petioles and laminae. In Brazil, the group is most diverse in the mountains of southeastern Brazil, where the species grow in a variety of habitats, from deeply shaded riverbeds to partially sunny road banks. Elaphoglossum boragineum, E. brachyneuron, E. eximium and E. hieracioides are first records for the country, some of these known from only one or two collections made on mountains in northern Brazil. Additionally, misapplied names that have long been used in the literature and herbarium specimens, such as E. aubertii, E. jamesonii, E. plumieri, E. spatulatum, and E villosum are here excluded from the Brazilian flora. We provide identification keys, descriptions, synonyms, comments, line drawings, spore images, distribution maps, and an index of herbarium vouchers to all species accepted in this treatment. Lectotypes are designated for Acrostichum alpestre, A. boragineum, and A. tenellum. A neotype is designated for A. horridulum.

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