
But these results cannot be achieved all at once. It takes time, effort, patience and everlasting courage, coupled with broad vision, to consistently toward the end sought; but the end justifies the means. The period of constructive effort can be shortened only through maximum cooperation between employers and employes. Lack of faith in each other and selfish disregard of eration that makes for further o ies in various ways other than ely those due to highly efficient stabilized working force. The eficial influences of such methods of ation extend beyond the employe, e ployer and the consumer, o the unity in which the industry opers, and thus the industry renders ine service to all concerned. either's point of view by the other, will delay the result indefinitely. There is nothing Utopian in the plan: it is intensely practical, even if it does take relatively more time. But wherever scientific management principles have been scientifically applied it has been demonstrated that a fair day's pay for fair day's work is something more than slogan. It is living fact! Only through the prosperity of the industry that supports them both, can employer and employe hope to enjoy that individual prosperity each desires. This means that each gets out of the industry what each puts into it, and therefore, since the maximum of efficiency is gained only as output approaches input, the application of scientific management principles to each industry offers the best means for providing fair day's wage for fair day's work. ither's point of view by the other, will lay the result indefinitely. There is thing Utopian i the plan: it is nsely practical, even if it does take latively more time. But wherever ientific man gem nt principles have en scientif cally applied t has been onstrated that a fair day's pay r fair day's work is something ore than slogan. It is living fact! ly through the prosperity of the dustry that supports them both, can ployer and employe hope to nj y at individual prosperity each desires. is means that each gets out f he dustry what each puts into it, and erefore, since the maximum of eficiency is gained only as output oaches input, he application of ientific man gem nt principles to ch industry offers the best means for oviding fair day's wage for fair

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