
The Jurassic Bangong Lake ophiolite, NW Tibet, is a key element within the western part of the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone, which marks the boundary between the Lhasa and Qiangtang blocks. It is a tectonic mélange consisting of numerous blocks of peridotite, mafic lavas and dikes. The mantle peridotites include both clinopyroxene-bearing and clinopyroxene-free harzburgites. The Cpx-bearing harzburgite contains Al-rich spinel with low Cr#s (20–25), resembling peridotites formed in mid-ocean ridge settings. On the other hand, the Cpx-free harzburgite is highly depleted with Cr-rich spinel (Cr# = 69–73), typical of peridotites formed in subduction zone environments. Mafic rocks include lavas of N-MORB and E-MORB affinity and boninites. The N-MORB rocks consist of pillow lavas and mafic dikes, whereas the E-MORB rocks are brecciated basalts. The boninites have high SiO 2 (53.2–57.9 wt%), MgO (6.5–12.5 wt%), Cr (166–752 ppm) and Ni (63–213 ppm) and low TiO 2 (0.22–0.37 wt%) and Y (5.34–8.10 ppm), and are characterized by having U-shaped, chondrite-normalized REE patterns. The N-MORB and E-MORB lavas probably formed by different degrees of partial melting of primitive mantle, whereas the boninites reflect partial melting of depleted peridotite in a suprasubduction zone environment. The geochemistry of the ophiolite suggests that it is a fragment of oceanic lithosphere formed originally at a mid-ocean ridge (MOR) and then trapped above an intraoceanic subduction zone (SSZ), where the mantle peridotites were modified by boninitic melts. The Bangong–Nujiang suture zone is believed to mark the boundary between two blocks within Gondwanaland rather than to separate Gondwanaland from Eurasia.

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