
Sea-surface heights derived from the Geosat altimeter data for the November 1986 - November 1987 period are compared with the Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center and the NMC sea-level atmospheric pressure fields, to verify the open ocean inverted barometer (IB) response. It is shown that fits along the satellite track consistently yield results that are only 60-70 percent of the IB results. Fits at fixed geographic locations show a clear dependence of the absolute value of the regression coefficient with latitude: a steady decrease from 70 deg to about 20 deg, and then a sudden increase again nearer to the equator, with similar results obtained for the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres. The sign of the departure from IB is found to be consistent with the expected effects of errors in the pressure fields and with wind-induced changes in sea level that are correlated with pressure fluctuations.

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