
The Atkinson site is in the north bank of the Souris River, north of Lauder, Manitoba. The upper occupations are sparse, however, a small but rich Gowen deposit, including a hearth and a small bone bed, was encountered in overbank deposits 150 em below surface. A number of lithic·tools and debitage were also present. Radiocarbon dates indicate that the occupation dates to between 5280+/ -50 B.P or 4225 cal B.C. and 5580+/-120 B.P. or 4445 cal B.C. This is the first Gowen occupation to be excavated in Manitoba and extends the range of Gowen occupations south and east from the type sites in central Saskatchewan. The faunal analyses indicate a late winter or early spring occupation and a diversity of faunal material, dominated by bison. The bone deposits indicate that animals were killed elsewhere and that the meat-rich and marrow-rich bone elements were transported to the site for further processing. The lithic materials are primarily local cherts and quartzites with a small amount of Knife River Flint.

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