
AT&T has changed. Principally because of the breakup of the Bell System, rapidly advancing technology, and increasing competition, AT&T is a far different enterprise than it was just three years ago. No longer is AT&T primarily an American telephone company. It is, rather, a global information management and movement company. As AT&T's mission and markets have changed, the focus on quality has changed as well. Today, quality has a new, strategic role at AT&T, and this renewed focus on quality will be a key to customer satisfaction — and a key to AT&T's profitability in its new environment. This article discusses the crucial role quality plays in AT&T's postdivestiture strategy and describes the structure and implementation of several company-wide quality-management efforts, including the development of the Integrated Quality System, a process conceived to ensure that AT&T's commitment to quality for all its products and services will be met.

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