
Dr. Gabriel Wells attracted wide attention by purchasing at Benefit Auction held at Delmonico's in February four important items which he at once gave to four university libraries. Rutgers, Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, all received gifts from the outstanding bidder of sale, as New York Times Book Review called Dr. Wells. The Rutgers gift is especially important for its historical significance. The unhappy history of Spain for last century and more has been punctuated by revolutions and counter-revolutions. One of these revolts took place in 1868 when Queen Isabella was forced to flee in face of a republican uprising. The news of this event was approved in United States by all those who welcomed republican regimes where ever they appeared, and in at least one case a group of prominent citizens united to send an expression of their pleasure to new government. An Address of American Citizens to Spanish Government and People, which Dr. Wells bought at Delmonico's and gave to Library is original manuscript of document which these enthusiastic American friends of freedom drew up in support of new Spanish government. It bears such names as those of Peter Cooper, Charles A. Dana, Horace Greeley, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and many others who were eminent in their generation. It forms, moreover, an important piece of evidence concerning attitude of Americans of two generations ago toward those who were fighting for right to govern themselves. The Associated Friends are indeed grateful to their Honorary President for his generosity in thus adding to many gifts which he has already made to Library.

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