
Part 1 Painting and sculpture, Laurence Sickman: Shang-Yin to late Chous sculpture - middle and late Chou dynasty sculpture vestiges of early painting the Han dynasty Han dynasty sculpture Han dynasty painting funerary stones and tiles beginning of Buddhist sculpture - Yun-kang sculpture during the Wei dynasty sculpture during the late 6th century and Sui dynasty painting during the three kingdoms and the six dynasties T'ang dynasty sculpture T'ang dynasty painting - Yen Li-pen, Buddhist painting, the court painters, landscape painting sculpture from the 10th to the 14th century the masters of landscape figure painters Sung Hui-tsung and the academy birds, flowers and animals the academy at Hang-chou Ch'an Buddhist painters supernatural and Taoist themes Yuan dynasty painting painters of bamboo and plum flowers introduction to painting of the Ming dynasty the early painters the academy and the Che school the Wu school Tung Ch'i-ch'ang landscape painters of the Ch'ing dynasty individualist painters of the 17th to 18th centuries. Part 2 Architecture, Alexander Soper: from earliest times to the Chou dynasty - the prehistoric age and the Shang, the Chou dynasty from Ch'in to the six dynasties - Ch'in, Han, and the three kingdoms (221 BC - AD 265), the period of the six dynasties (AD 265-581) the second imperial age - Sui and T'ang (AD 581-907) - the T'ang masonry pagoda, wood-framed buildings of T'ang style the five dynasties and Sung (907-1279) - masonry pagodas, timber-framed buildings the barbarian empires - Liao, Chin and Yuan (907-1367) - pagoda types, wooden halls Ming and Ch'ing (1368-1912).

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