
In order to study the adsorption thermodynamics of coal seam, a series of isothermal adsorption experimental data, in 30°C to 100°C temperature range, 0.0MPa to 32.0MPa pressure range, 0.0 cm<sup>3</sup>/g to 35 cm<sup>3</sup>/g adsorbed amounts range, of long flame coal, fat coal, lean coal and meager coal are transformed into the isosteric adsorption data through a temperature-Pressure-Adsorption equation. Both the small percentage values of the relative average error and the agreement between the measured points and the TPAE surfaces have proved the TPAE can accurately represent the series of isothermal adsorption experiments. The enthalpy of the gas adsorption process is calculated by the indefinite integral of Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The concept and calculation method of unit isosteric adsorption enthalpy (IAE) is presented. The adsorption process of the coal is an exothermic process because the lnP vs 1/T plot is a straight line with a negative slope. The phenomenon of unit IAE being decreased with the increasing of adsorption amount indicates that the energy in-homogeneity on the coal surface. Since the adsorption process of the coal is an exothermic process, adsorption always occurs first at higher energy and more active positions in order to release more energy and to make the system more stable. The higher rank coal has a larger unit IAE, and there must be a larger adsorption capacity.

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