
Local elections or regional head elections are a means of implementing popular sovereignty in the regions. This is part of the development of the government administration system of the Republic of Indonesia experiencing various changes. The change in question is the principle of autonomy which means the freedom to regulate their own regions in each region. One of the challenges in carrying out this Pilkada is a violation that results in a criminal offense. The formulation of this research is: 1) What is the type of criminal case for the election of Regional Head in the general courts? 2) how is the application of the principle of simple, fast, low cost in the adjudication of criminal cases in the election of Regional Heads 2020 in the general courts? The research method used is normative juridical. The findings showed that first, there were 36 types of criminal cases in the election of regional heads in the general court, for this reason the Supreme Court issued a Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1, 2018 concerning Procedures for the Settlement of Election and Election Criminal Acts. Second, the application of the principle of simple, fast, low cost in the resolution of criminal cases in the election of Regional Heads 2020 in the general court environment by combining several cases that are closely related that is assessed from 36 types of criminal acts committed during election that can be combined in one type in a practical and rational manner. This case can be resolved together with the plaintiffs.

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