
The study entitled "the effect of the quality of food and service atAmbassador catering towards customer satisfaction and brand loyalty".Type of this research is a case study with survey method using thequestionnaire as a data collection tool. Research is done in the cikarang.There are many types of businesses, such as restaurants, culinaryfoodstreet, foodcourt, etc. But one of the most popular in many people nowis the catering. One of the catering that I take as one of the objects of mythesis is the Ambassador of Catering. As Ambassador catering Cateringwas able to attract the interest of several companies. Because of the newstand for several years and experienced a significant increase in thephenomenon and become Ambassadors of the catering business. Basedon the above issues, this research was conducted to analyze the quality ofthe food and the perceived service quality to customer satisfaction andcustomer loyalty towards Ambassador catering. The respondents in thisstudy are the 176 respondents who came from employees of companieswho use the services Ambassador catering. The research of using SEM(Structural Equation Model) as a tool of analysis techniques. SPSSstatistics paid off device is used to analyze the data. The results ofhypothesis testing using a T-test is as follows: (1) Food quality has apositive influence on customer satisfaction. (2) Service quality has apositive influence on customer satisfaction. (3) Customer satisfaction has apositive influence on brand loyalty. (4) food quality has no significantinfluence on brand loyalty. (5) service quality has a positive influence onbrand loyalty.


  • In the era of globalization the competition in marketing is very competitive

  • (2) Service quality has a positive influence on customer satisfaction

  • (3) Customer satisfaction has a positive influence on brand loyalty. (4) food quality has no significant influence on brand loyalty. (5) service quality has a positive influence on brand loyalty

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In the era of globalization the competition in marketing is very competitive. globalization requires people to follow every change and it can makes a change in people lifestyle who are more consumptive than before. If the company is unable to provide the best quality of food and services, it will be affects the customer satisfaction, the customer will buy the product because they do not have another alternatives. Based on the data above, the increasing numbers of sales caused by food quality, service quality, and brand trust Those numbers showed a good sign but it is expected that in the later future Duta Catering can be able to keep improving the numbers of its sales growth. This research is conducted to measure how good the quality of food from Duta Catering company and to figure out how well the service that has been given by Duta catering company to the customer far, which will influence the customer satisfaction, and how customer satisfaction can affect the brand loyalty

Summary of Validity and Reliability Test
Consumer satisfaction has a positive effect on brand loyalty
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