
Massive star-forming galaxies in the high-redshift universe host large reservoirs of cold gas in their circumgalactic medium (CGM). Traditionally, these reservoirs have been linked to diffuse H I Lyman-α (Lyα) emission extending beyond ≈10 kpc scales. In recent years, millimeter and submillimeter observations have started to identify even colder gas in the CGM through molecular and/or atomic tracers such as the [C II] 158 μm transition. In this context, we studied the well-known J1000+0234 system at z = 4.54 that hosts a massive dusty star-forming galaxy (DSFG), a UV-bright companion, and a Lyα blob. We combined new ALMA [C II] line observations taken by the CRISTAL survey with data from previous programs targeting the J1000+0234 system, and achieved a deep view into a DSFG and its rich environment at a 0″​​​. 2 = 1.3 kpc resolution. We identified an elongated [C II]-emitting structure with a projected size of 15 kpc stemming from the bright DSFG at the center of the field, with no clear counterpart at any other wavelength. The plume is oriented ≈40° away from the minor axis of the DSFG, and shows significant spatial variation of its spectral parameters. In particular, the [C II] emission shifts from 180 km s−1 to 400 km s−1 between the bottom and top of the plume, relative to the DSFG’s systemic velocity. At the same time, the line width starts at 400 − 600 km s−1 but narrows down to 190 km s−1 at the top end of the plume. We discuss four possible scenarios to interpret the [C II] plume: a conical outflow, a cold accretion stream, ram pressure stripping, and gravitational interactions. While we cannot strongly rule out any of these with the available data, we disfavor the ram pressure stripping scenario due to the requirement of special hydrodynamic conditions.

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