
Abstract GRB 160821B is a short duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) detected and localized by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory in the outskirts of a spiral galaxy at z=0.1613, at a projected physical offset of ≈16 kpc from the galaxy’s center. We present X-ray, optical/nIR and radio observations of its counterpart and model them with two distinct components of emission: a standard afterglow, arising from the interaction of the relativistic jet with the surrounding medium, and a kilonova, powered by the radioactive decay of the sub-relativistic ejecta. Broadband modeling of the afterglow data reveals a weak reverse shock propagating backward into the jet, and a likely jet-break at ≈3.5 d. This is consistent with a structured jet seen slightly off-axis (θview ∼ θcore) while expanding into a low-density medium (n ≈ 10−3 cm−3). Analysis of the kilonova properties suggests a rapid evolution toward red colors, similar to AT2017gfo, and a low nIR luminosity, possibly due to the presence of a long-lived neutron star. The global properties of the environment, the inferred low mass (Mej ≲ 0.006 M⊙) and velocities (vej ≳ 0.05c) of lanthanide-rich ejecta are consistent with a binary neutron star merger progenitor.


  • Short duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) were long suspected to be the product of compact binary mergers (Blinnikov et al 1984; Goodman 1986; Paczynski 1986; Eichler et al 1989; Narayan et al 1992), involving either two neutron stars (NSs) or an NS and a solar-mass black hole (BH)

  • It seems plausible that kilonovae similar to AT2017gfo could have been detected in the optical, not clearly identified prior to GW170817. Whereas this observational evidence suggests that r-process nucleosynthesis is common in the aftermath of a short GRB, it does not inform on the production of the heaviest elements, i.e. those with atomic mass number A 140

  • The X-ray afterglow is consistent with standard forward shock emission, whereas the radio signal was likely dominated by a weak reverse shock

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Short duration GRBs were long suspected to be the product of compact binary mergers (Blinnikov et al 1984; Goodman 1986; Paczynski 1986; Eichler et al 1989; Narayan et al 1992), involving either two neutron stars (NSs) or an NS and a solar-mass black hole (BH). GRB afterglow probes the jet structure and geometry as well as the properties of the surrounding environment Another long-standing prediction of the NS merger model is the presence of a luminous, short-lived transient arising from the radioactive decay of freshly synthesized r-process elements (Li & Paczynski 1998; Metzger et al 2010; Barnes & Kasen 2013; Tanaka & Hotokezaka 2013). It seems plausible that kilonovae similar to AT2017gfo could have been detected in the optical, not clearly identified prior to GW170817 Whereas this observational evidence suggests that r-process nucleosynthesis is common in the aftermath of a short GRB, it does not inform on the production of the heaviest elements, i.e. those with atomic mass number A 140. The quoted errors are at the 68 per cent confidence level, and upper limits are at the 3σ confidence level

Broadband afterglow modelling
Comparison to AT2017gfo and GRB130603B
Effects of a long-lived NS
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