
<p>《約伯記》是一部探索人生苦難的作品,但沒有提供一個標準的答案,反而不斷引出更多值得深思的問題。若僅以邏輯思辨的方式閱讀《約伯記》,只會陷於無解的困境。本文嘗試從美學的觀點重新閱讀《約伯記》,並詮釋與分析當中的對話。我們將從四個不同的角度切入:首先,撒旦挑戰無條件信賴神的觀念,並與神打賭,然而這樣的挑戰卻引發了更進一步的反思。若將此打賭視為一種遊戲,這場遊戲超越了一般交易的限制,有助於美學與生命的探索,讓約伯有機會內省並重新啟動對話的可能性。第二,約伯的朋友透過不斷辯論,未能正確理解苦難的意義,這些無止境的爭論甚至造成了傷害。立意良善的安慰者最終成為無休止的辯論者;然而,他們的高談闊論提供了不同視角與觀點的衝突,並置各種聲音形成另一種對話的美學。第三,約伯轉向內省反思,尋求理解與真正的溝通。他尋求的不僅是慰藉或邏輯性的答案來解釋災難,而是開啟與更高神性真正對話的契機。第四,《約伯記》的最後幾章透過神的啟示,與神的大哉問「你知道嗎?」,展現了對話的最佳美學。它具體展現了對話的要素,包括臨在、正向好奇的提問,包容與和解。總之,《約伯記》生動呈現對話的美學,微妙地勾勒從懷疑、人類思維的侷限、到開悟的道路,並戲劇性地說明與自我和宇宙秩序和解的生命改變。</p> <p> </p><p>While the Book of Job is a specific examination of human suffering, it defies any definitive solution and raises a battery of questions. Since relying exclusively on logical reasoning when interpreting immense suffering can result in lingering uncertainties, we attempt to adopt an alternative aesthetic approach by scrutinizing the dialogues involving Satan and God, Job and his friends, as well as Job and God, emphasizing the following four specific concerns. First, Satan’s egotistical stance contests the unwavering trust in God, but this challenge prompts an extensive reconsideration. When perceived as a metaphorical game, this challenge transcends conventional transactions and provides Job an opportunity for introspection and revitalizes the potential for meaningful dialogue. Secondly, the failure of Job’s companions to grasp the profound significance of suffering, manifested through interminable debates, inadvertently results in detrimental consequences. Initially benevolent in their intentions, these comforters turn out to be relentless debaters. Nevertheless, their verbose discourses offer divergent perspectives, generating a polyphony of voices, thereby shaping the unique aesthetics of dialogue. Thirdly, Job’s inward turn seeks deeper comprehension and genuine communication. His quest is not merely for solace or logical explanations for calamities but rather for an authentic conversation with a higher divine power—for the true communion and dialogue. Fourthly, the concluding chapters of Job epitomize the pinnacle of dialogue aesthetics through God’s revelations and the probing inquiry, “Do you know?” and firmly exemplify the constituents of dialogue: presence, positive inquisitiveness, inclusivity, and a pathway to reconciliation. In a nutshell, Job vividly presents the aesthetics of dialogue, subtly delineates the path from skepticism, human intellectuality to enlightenment, and dramatically illustrates a transformative reconciliation with both the self and the cosmic order.</p> <p> </p>

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