
The present article completes the mathematical description initiated in the paper by Dhont and Zhilinskií (2013 The action of the orthogonal group on planar vectors: invariants, covariants and syzygies J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 46 455202) of the algebraic structures that emerge from the symmetry-adapted polynomials in the coordinates of n planar vectors under the action of the SO(2) group. The set of -covariant polynomials contains all the polynomials that transform according to the weight of SO(2) and is a free module for but a non-free module for . The sum of the rational functions of the Molien function for -covariants describes the decomposition of the ring of invariants or the module of -covariants as a direct sum of submodules. A method for extracting the generating function for -covariants from the comprehensive generating function for all polynomials is introduced. The approach allows the direct construction of the integrity basis for the module of -covariants decomposed as a direct sum of submodules and gives insight into the expressions for the Molien functions found in our earlier paper. In particular, a generalized symbolic interpretation in terms of the integrity basis of a rational function is discussed, where the requirement of associating the different terms in the numerator of one rational function with the same subring of invariants is relaxed.

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