
During the Imperial Roman period, thousands of theatres were built. The theatres have three principal elements: the scene building (actor position), the orchestra and the cavea (spectator seating). The theatres were built without a roof, so they were open-air spaces. The theatres were abandoned afterward the barbarian invasions, and during the Middle Ages, homes were built inside the cavea. The theatres were rediscovered during the Renaissance period. Today, ancient theatres are the center of cultural events and are used for various kinds of shows. This work discussed the acoustics of the Roman theatre of Benevento, which was built during the Imperial Age. The theatre was destroyed after the barbaric invasion and it was rebuilt in the first half of the 1900s. The theatre was opened in 1957, and today it is the center of social and cultural activities. Acoustic measurements were carried out according to ISO 3382 standard, placing an omnidirectional sound source on the scene building and in the orchestra, with the measurement microphones along three directions in the cavea. The acoustic characteristics in various seating areas of the cavea were evaluated. Therefore, it possible to understand in which sectors of the theatre the acoustic characteristics are optimal for different types of theatrical performances.


  • During the Imperial Roman period, thousands of theatres were built [1–3]

  • The first theatres were built in Greece, with the cavea resting on the slope of a hill

  • There are a few simple rules to follow to obtain good acoustics inside theatres, for example, the edges of each step should be in a straight line from the first to the last seat to prevent the sound from finding obstacles during the propagation [7,8]

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During the Imperial Roman period, thousands of theatres were built [1–3]. The theatres were built to entertain people and create venues for shows [4]. Benevento (South of Italy) was an important city during the Roman period, and the theatre was built in the second century A.D. The orchestra measured 20 m diameter, the cavea measured 90 m diameter, while scene building measured a width of 44 m, with. The theatre had only a few eexxternal aarrccaaddes aanndd tthhee fifirrsstt lleevveell wwaass ccoovveerreedd wwiitthh eeaarrtthh,, aanndd hhoouusseess wweerree bbuuiilltt iinnssiiddee tthhee tthheeaattrree. FFiigguurree 33 sshhoowwss aa ppiiccttuurree ooff tthhee eeaarrllyy 11990000ss wwiitthh tthhee hhoouusseess iinnssiiddee tthhee ccaavveeaa. TThhee rruuiinnss ooff tthheetthheeaattrreeininaappaianintitnignginin1715795(9A(.AJo. lJio, lvi,ievwieowf QofuQeeuneeMnaMriaarAiamAalmiaaolifa of SFFSSaaiiaxggxxouuoonrrnnyeeyyi22nii..nnTTBBBhheeeneennerreevuuvveiieennnnntssottoo).ff))..tthhee theatre theatre in in a a painting painting in in

Maria Maria
Quality STI
Segesta Siracusa
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