
Internal noise generated by hearing-aid circuits can be audible and objectionable to aid users, and may lead to the rejection of hearing aids. Two expansion algorithms were developed to suppress internal noise below a threshold level. The multiple-channel algorithm's expansion thresholds followed the 55-dB SPL long-term average speech spectrum, while the single-channel algorithm suppressed sounds below 45 dBA. With the recommended settings in static conditions, the single-channel algorithm provided lower noise levels, which were perceived as quieter by most normal-hearing participants. However, in dynamic conditions "pumping" noises were more noticeable with the single-channel algorithm. For impaired-hearing listeners fitted with the ADRO amplification strategy, both algorithms maintained speech understanding for words in sentences presented at 55 dB SPL in quiet (99.3% correct). Mean sentence reception thresholds in quiet were 39.4, 40.7, and 41.8 dB SPL without noise suppression, and with the single- and multiple-channel algorithms, respectively. The increase in the sentence reception threshold was statistically significant for the multiple-channel algorithm, but not the single-channel algorithm. Thus, both algorithms suppressed noise without affecting the intelligibility of speech presented at 55 dB SPL, with the single-channel algorithm providing marginally greater noise suppression in static conditions, and the multiple-channel algorithm avoiding pumping noises.

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