
The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) is now the major international association for clinical neurologists. But in his overview of the organization’s first 50 years, Johan Aarli (Fig. 1) makes it clear that to establish itself in this position the World Federation overcame many difficulties and complex adverse circumstances through the efforts of a succession of individuals with the necessary commitment and powers of persuasion. Figure 1 Johan A. Aarli. The specialty of clinical neurology developed in the latter half of the 19th century. By the 20th century, there was a perceived need for international collaboration to promote further developments in this field of study and a need for the dissemination of information and education of doctors seeking training in neurology. These needs had to be satisfied against a background of two World Wars, political ferment and complex financial crises. But, on the positive side, the WFN has benefited from generations of distinguished and committed neurologists. It has also benefited from advances in communication through the internet, air travel and telephone conferencing. Thus, it must be remembered that in 1930, a meeting of fellow neurologists had to be set up by surface mail, travel was by ship and face-to-face discussions took place at a pre-arranged meeting venue. Now the process that we take for granted is almost instantaneous. The WFN was established to create an academic forum for research, training and the exchange of friendship and ideas. In 1957, in Brussels, as the culmination of preliminary talks between three individuals, the first seed of the WFN was planted and its first constitution and by-laws were written. These individuals were Houston Merritt (USA), Ludo van Bogaert (Belgium) and Pearce Bailey (USA). They overcame doubters: Sir Francis Walshe ‘Neurology is at a cross-roads …’ Sir Geoffrey Jefferson ‘Where else has it ever been? …’ …

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