
How could the assumption onto our Human Complex Life within the centennial realm after the World War I fits in the worldwide-view made by the globalization/regionalization realities and postmodern aspirations? There is, here and now, a “possible turning point” proposal to take account on the state of art, at least, in the related arena of a comprehension on consciousness [Cognitive Science, Artificial Life and Intelligence, Neuroscience]. There is a proposed re-focusing by Science [Inter/Trans/Co-disciplinarity, Integrative Science], Culture and Religion [not only through the wide spectrum of Theology]. So, there is a significant explanatory gap (that exists between the subjective qualities of our perception and the physical systems that we call the brain, the community, the society, Humankind) is symbolized per se by our subjective-objective tensions, limitations and paradoxes. It may be a proper turning point to approach subjective-objective gap of ourselves. As above presented, as related to our gap, within the centennial realm after the World War 1, the approach(es) is(/are) used starting from ourselves. Now, on another part, a new insight “subject-object reversal” is elicited by aiming out of: conventional understanding (“what else is true?”) and constraining explanation (“what is science?” “what is culture?” “what is religion?” – but not as currently these three ‘isolated’ inquiries, yet as an integrative set of inquiries – toward an innovative systemic single inquiry on). These “what is” are equivalent to prolong just ourselves per se beyond “our gap” and so, to face ourselves toward the (re-)construction of a “human complex of our 1918-2018 ways.” Is this construct a new term within a possible “Science/Culture/Religion” triad? Is this triad a possible pavement in order to learn to live and to progress together? Could a network of (the contemporary) networks implement these new constructs?

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