
The work provides a theoretical understanding and practical identification of the ability structure of future officers to perform tasks in special conditions, which are understood as special legal regimes enshrined in the Russian Federation: emergency situations, states of emergency regimes, martial law, and the legal regime of a counter-terrorist operations. The paper examines scientists’ opinions on the concept definition of abilities and their structure; notes that scientific works of K.K. Platonov, D.K. Kirnarskaya, V.A. Krutetsky, A.N. Leontyev, B.M. Teplova, V.D. Shadrikova, S.L. Rubinstein, V.N. Druzhinin and others are devoted to studying abilities; considers the point of view of the above researchers; draws the corresponding conclusions. The authors establish that professional abilities are referred to special abilities, which are understood as the abilities necessary to perform a certain activity within ta person profession frameworks. They play the role, first, of the conditions to realize an individual as a professional, and then, of the professional activity result. The purposeful formation of certain professional abilities in future officers should be justified by their need for professional activity and fulfill the requirements for graduates of military universities. To understand how the ability to perform professional tasks in special conditions affects forming personal structures of future officers, as well as to find out what role it plays in maintaining and developing the general professional level of future officers, it is necessary to study the structure of this ability. The article reveals that the value-motivational, emotional and strong-willed, intellectual (cognitive), adaptive, activity-practical, communicative components are distinguished as the components of the ability structure of future officers to perform tasks in special conditions.


  • The work provides a theoretical understanding and practical identification of the ability structure of future officers to perform tasks in special conditions, which are understood as special legal regimes enshrined in the Russian Federation: emergency situations, states of emergency regimes, martial law, and the legal regime of a counter-terrorist operations

  • The authors establish that professional abilities are referred to special abilities, which are understood as the abilities necessary to perform a certain activity within ta person profession frameworks

  • The purposeful formation of certain professional abilities in future officers should be justified by their need for professional activity and fulfill the requirements for graduates of military universities

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Формирование способности будущих офицеров выполнять профессиональные задачи в особых условиях является актуальной целью специально организованного военного образования, достижение которой является значимым педагогическим результатом. В качестве составляющих компонентов структуры способности будущих офицеров выполнять задачи в особых условиях на основании теоретических разработок и анализа литературы нами выделяются ценностно-мотивационный, эмоциональноволевой, интеллектуальный (когнитивный) аспект, адаптационный, деятельностно-практический и к­ оммуникативный. Посредством этого аспекта выражается отношение будущих офицеров к своей профессии как к ценности, когда офицер при исполнении обязанностей осознает значимость и пользу своей деятельности для личности, общества и г­ осударства.

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