
This work continues the investigation of high resolution infrared spectra of 17O and 18O enriched ozone isotopomers in the 10 µm spectral range. Spectra are recorded by the Reims Fourier Transform Spectrometer. In a mixture of 18 isotopic species of ozone including 17O, 16O and 18O oxygen atoms, two ν3 bands are analyzed for the first time: those of 17O17O18O and 17O18O17O species. The analyses, performed accounting for interactions between the (100) and (001) states, permitted to assign 769 transitions for 17O18O17O and 1290 for 17O17O18O. The resulting sets of effective Hamiltonian parameters allow reproducing observed transitions within experimental accuracies and calculating synthetic spectra in excellent agreement with the observed ones. We also report here the comparison of main fitted parameters with recent theoretical predictions.

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