
Announcements frontiers of biogeography 8.2, e31470, 2016 The 2017 MacArthur and Wilson Award The International Biogeography Society Board is pleased to announce that the MacArthur and Wilson Award will be presented to Dr. Jessica Blois at the society’s 8 th biennial meeting in Tucson, Arizona, USA (January 9-13, 2017). This award – named in honor of Robert H. MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson - is spon- sored by Frontiers of Biogeography and was created to recognize an outstanding, compara- tively early career scientist that has made nota- ble, innovative contributions to the discipline of biogeography. Dr. Blois is one of the top researchers in the new generation of scientists working at the intersection of biogeography and paleoecology. Her research integrates neo-and paleo- ecological approaches to understand the abiot- ic and biotic processes that control the pat- terns of species distributions and diversity through space and time. Dr. Blois blends deep expertise in community ecology and paleoecol- ogy with creative research design, field and laboratory work, and rigorous statistical analy- sis and modeling to advance our understanding of species and ecosystem responses to large and rapid environmental changes. In a series of groundbreaking papers, Dr. Blois’ innovative work has demonstrated key mechanisms and outcomes of climate change, species interac- tions, and biodiversity dynamics over millennia. Her use of state-of-the-art statistical tools and datasets has provided the community with new paths forward for tackling challenging diverse problems in an era of rapid global change. The IBS Board notes with thanks, the work of the MacArthur and Wilson Award Com- mittee: Carl Beierkuhnlein, David Currie, Jona- than Price, Jack Williams and Vicki Funk (chair). International Biogeography Society Board frontiers of biogeography, ISSN 1948-6596 — © 2016 the authors; journal compilation © 2016 The International Biogeography Society


  • The International Biogeography Society Board is pleased to announce that the MacArthur and Wilson Award will be presented to Dr Jessica Blois at the society’s 8th biennial meeting in Tucson, Arizona, USA (January 9-13, 2017)

  • Wilson - is sponsored by Frontiers of Biogeography and was created to recognize an outstanding, comparatively early career scientist that has made notable, innovative contributions to the discipline of biogeography

  • Dr Blois is one of the top researchers in the new generation of scientists working at the intersection of biogeography and paleoecology

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The International Biogeography Society Board is pleased to announce that the MacArthur and Wilson Award will be presented to Dr Jessica Blois at the society’s 8th biennial meeting in Tucson, Arizona, USA (January 9-13, 2017). Title The 2017 IBS MacArthur & Wilson Award

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