
We report on near-IR interferometric observations of the outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyx. We obtained near-IR observations of T Pyx at dates ranging from t=2.37d to t=48.2d after the outburst, with the CLASSIC recombiner, located at the CHARA array, and with the PIONIER and AMBER recombiners, located at the VLTI array. These data are supplemented with near-IR photometry and spectra obtained at Mount Abu, India. Slow expansion velocities were measured (<300km/s) before t=20d (assuming D=3.5kpc). From t=28d on, the AMBER and PIONIER continuum visibilities (K and H band, respectively) are best simulated with a two component model consisting of an unresolved source plus an extended source whose expansion velocity onto the sky plane is lower than 700km/s. The expansion of the Brgamma line forming region, as inferred at t=28d and t=35d is slightly larger, implying velocities in the range 500-800km/s, still strikingly lower than the velocities of 1300-1600km/s inferred from the Doppler width of the line. Moreover, a remarkable pattern was observed in the Brgamma differential phases. A semi-quantitative model using a bipolar flow with a contrast of 2 between the pole and equator velocities, an inclination of i=15^{\circ} and a position angle P.A.=110^{\circ} provides a good match to the AMBER observables (spectra, differential visibilities and phases). At t=48d, a PIONIER dataset confirms the two component nature of the H band emission, consisting of an unresolved stellar source and an extended region whose appearance is circular and symmetric within error bars.These observations are most simply interpreted within the frame of a bipolar model, oriented nearly face-on. This finding has profound implications for the interpretation of past, current and future observations of the expanding nebula.

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