
The quality of sleep plays an important role in human health. Objectives: The aim of the study is “To describe the status of sleep quality of students at Hanoi Medical University in 2021 and analyze some associated factors". Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 361 students from the fist year to last year students of 9 majors studying in Hanoi Medical University. Resutls: The percentage of poor sleep quality according to the PSQI scale accounted for 33.8%. Poorer sleep quality in non-exercise students OR=1.99; (95%CI: 1.17-3.37); students had more than 2 hours and above using mobile phones before sleeping OR= 2.69; (95%CI: 1.3-5.56); students waked up in the middle of the night because of cell phones OR= 2.44; (95%CI: 1.37-4.35). Conclusion: The percentage of students with poor sleep quality is high, there should be improvements in students' behavior and healthy living as well as sharing from families and schools to create a comfortable environment for students. Keywords: sleep quality, students, Hanoi Medical University, PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index)

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