
Previous studies [Wasylewski et al. (1996), J. Protein Chem. 15, 45-58] have shown that the W43 residue localized within the helix-turn-helix structure domain of Tet repressor can exist in the ground state in two conformational states. In this paper we investigate the fluorescence properties of W43 of TetR upon binding of tetracycline inducer and its chemical analogs such as anhydro- and epitetracycline. Binding of the drug inducer to the protein indicates that the W43 residue still exists in two conformational states; however, its environment changes drastically, as can be judged by the changes in fluorescence parameters. The FQRS (fluorescence-quenching-resolved spectra) method was used to decompose the total emission spectrum. The resolved spectra exhibit maxima of fluorescence at 346 and 332 nm and the component quenchable by KI (346 nm) is shifted 9 nm toward the blue side of the spectrum upon inducer binding. The observed shift does not result from the changes in the exposure of W43, since the bimolecular quenching rate constant remains the same and is equal to about 2.7 x 10(9) M-1 sec-1. The binding of tetracycline leads to drastic decrease of the W43 fluorescence intensity and increase of the tetracycline intensity as well as the decrease of fluorescence lifetime, especially of the W43 component characterized by the emission at 332 nm. The observed energy transfer from W43 to tetracycline is more efficient for the state characterized by the fluorescence emission at 332 nm (88%) than for the component quenchable by iodide (53%). Tetracycline and several of its derivatives were also used to observe how chemical modifications of the hydrophilic groups in tetracycline influence the mechanism of binding of the antibiotic to Tet repressor. By use of pulsed-laser photoacoustic spectroscopy it is shown that the binding of tetracyclines to Tet repressor leads to significant increase of tetracycline fluorescence quantum yields. Steady-state fluorescence quenching of tetracycline analogs in complexes with Tet repressor using potassium iodide as a quencher allowed us to determine the dependence of the exposure of bound antibiotic on the modifications of hydrophilic substituents of tetracycline. Circular dichroism studies of the TetR-[Mg.tc]+ complex do not indicate dramatic changes in the secondary structure of the protein; however, the observed small decrease in the TetR helicity may occur due to partial unfolding of the DNA recognition helix of the protein. The observed changes may play an important role in the process of induction in which tetracycline binding results in the loss of specific DNA binding.

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