
Terminal differentiation of neurons is accompanied by irreversible exit from the cell cycle and expression of neuronal phenotypes. The molecular mechanism whereby committed neuronal progenitors lose their ability to reenter the cell cycle is largely unknown. Here, we report that the nuclear transport system is rapidly remodeled in primary cortical progenitor cells (CPCs) at the very beginning of neuronal terminal differentiation. High levels of Ran GTPase-activating protein 1 (RanGAP), a key regulator of the Ran GTP-GDP cycle, in primary CPCs are drastically reduced upon neuronal induction. Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-2/3-conjugated RanGAP undergoes desumoylation and degradation in neuronally committed CPCs, where reduced RanGAP levels impede the nuclear import of nucleocytoplasmic shuttling proteins including the DNA replication initiation factor Cdc6. Furthermore, RNAi-mediated down-regulation of RanGAP expression in undifferentiated CPCs induces neuronal phenotypes including cell cycle exit. Our data suggest that remodeling of the RanGAP-mediated nuclear transport system plays a key role in cell cycle exit for terminal differentiation of cortical neurons.

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