
-type s-Si/SiGe multiquantum wells MQW of different well widths and barrier composition grown by UHV-chemical vapor deposition CVD .The measured intersubband transition energies are compared with the theoretical results of a tight-bindingmodel which provides the electronic band structure of the complete MQW system throughout the wholeBrillouin zone. Our findings demonstrate both the high quality of the CVD grown MQWs and the effectivenessof the adopted tight-binding model in describing band profiles and electronic structures of SiGe multilayersystems. In particular we have evaluated the conduction band offsets in the investigated structures.DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.085302 PACS number s : 78.67.De, 73.21.Fg, 68.65.Fg, 81.15.Gh

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