
This article maps the emergence and development of Chinese discourses about China’s rise in international politics. It examines how the production of knowledge, particularly theories on international relations and grand strategy, develop in their travels between the scienti c and political as well as the international and national. Taking its point of departure in the sociology of science, the article sets out to understand the interplay between social, political, and intellectual conditions for knowledge production in today’s Interna- tional Relations (IR) research in China. Contrary to the conventional notion that Chinese social science is determined by political preferences, the paper argues 1) that the ideal of (pure) science and (dirty) politics as two separate spheres is di cult to sustain in the empirical analysis of knowledge production (in China and elsewhere) and 2) that more often than not important policy ideas and theories, such ‘Peaceful Rise’, the ‘Chinese School’ or ‘Harmonious World’ have emerged from a productive relationship between science and politics. e analysis of Chinese IR discourse shows that Chinese scholars and experts might play a more in uential role in the formulation of foreign policy concepts than usually assumed.


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Subjektiv og begrænset af statsapparatet? Lever kinesisk International Politik-teori afsondret fra resten af verdens objektive teoriudvikling og -diskussion? Peter Marcus Kristensen og Ras Tind viser, at kinesisk international politisk teori om ‘fredelig opstigning’ er opstået i en skarp dialog med amerikansk magttransitionsteori. Vi skriver os primært ind i litteraturen om IP-disciplinens sociologi, særligt debatten om dens amerikansk/vestlige bias og muligheden for ikke-vestlig IP-teori (Bilgin 2008; D’Aoust 2012; Hoffmann 1977; International Political Sociology Forum 2009; Shilliam 2010; Tickner og Wæver 2009; Tickner 2003; Wæver 1998), snarere end litteraturen om Kinas opstigning som sådan.

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