
We investigate the possibility of generating the $\mu$-term in the MSSM by the condensation of a field that is a singlet under the SM gauge group but charged under an additional family-independent $U(1)_X$ gauge symmetry. We attempt to do so while preserving the gauge coupling unification of the MSSM. For this, we find that SM non-singlet exotics must be present in the spectrum. We also prove that the pure $U(1)_X$ anomalies can always be solved with rationally charged fields, but that a large number of SM singlets are often required. For $U(1)_X$ charges that are consistent with an embedding of the MSSM in SU(5) or SO(10), we show that the $U(1)_X$ charges of the MSSM states can always be expressed as a linear combination of abelian subgroups of $E_6$. However, the SM exotics do not appear to have a straightforward embedding into GUT multiplets. We conclude from this study that if this approach to the $\mu$-term is correct, as experiment can probe, it will necessarily complicate the standard picture of supersymmetric grand unification.

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