
Abstract In January, 1938, the Game and Fish Division embarked upon an intensive fisheries program. At the present time, we are able to point to a few specific projects which have been started, and to indicate the probable course of development of the program for the coming year. Only one project, the compilation of the commercial fisheries statistics for the period, 1931 to June 1, 1938, has been completed. Projects now under way include, stream and lake surveys, pollution studies, creel census, growth-rate studies, commercial fish-yield statistics, and maintenance of stream-improvement structures. Plans are under way for the development of a commercial fishery under immediate supervision of the State, for legislative revisions to give better protection to game and commercial fishes, and for the publication of a popular illustrated booklet giving the correct common names of the more important species of fish. Formal application blanks have been devised for the fish-distribution work, and a record is bein...

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