
The article is devoted to the problem of change in the social time orientation of a person in a situation of war in comparison with his/her temporal orientations in a situation of peace. It is noted that this difference in temporal orientations can be a “trigger” for the development of a long existential crisis of personality. The purpose of the research is to determine the dependence of the existential crisis of a person on the processes of disorientation in social time during the war and to determine the possibility of overcoming such a crisis through antagonistic- adaptive – mechanisms to the situation of time uncertainty. The object of research is the construction of social time in various worldview paradigms, the subject of research is the construction of social time within the paradigm of everyday worldview of a person in a situation of peace and war. The research is based on the analysis of various types of worldview as specific models of temporal structuring and is based on fundamental philosophical theories of temporality in the construct of human consciousness – on the works of Augustine of Hippo, Isaac Newton, Henry Bergson. The works of Ukrainian psychologists Borys Tsukanov and Yaroslav Vasyliyev who proved that in the human consciousness there was a specific, individual countdown that structured all the processes of life and meanings was also used. The works of modern foreign scientists who studied the issues of temporological constructions in the consciousness of a person experiencing a situation of war were also used. Research methods are deductive, analytical, comparative ones, as well as references to the method of phenomenological reduction were also used. Results of the research. It is emphasized that in a situation of peace in the consciousness of a person there is a transit between the temporal modes “past”, “present”, “future”, while in a situation of war, this transit may be interrupted. This temporal rupture can be accompanied by a kind of “stuck” of human consciousness, either in the past, or in the present, or in the future, which causes a deep existential crisis and loss of true subjectivity. The loss of subjectivity, in turn, is due to the inability to build long-term plans for the future and to reflect on the past, to determine the present in accordance with them. It is possible to repare the transit between periods of time if a person includes the narrative of war in his/her personal history and begins to provide his/her life as a creative project – to provide the creativity of living each new day.

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