
During the final larval instar the epidermis of the tobacco hornworm,Manduca sexta, synthesizes the larval cuticular proteins and the pigment insecticyanin. Then at the onset of metamorphosis the cells first become pupally-committed, then later produce the pupal cuticle. The changes in the pattern of epidermal protein synthesis during this period were followed by incubating the integument in vitro with either3H-leucine or35S-methionine, then analyzing the proteins by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Precipitation by larval and pupal cuticular antisera and by insecticyanin antibody identified these proteins. Three distinct changes in epidermal protein synthesis were noted: 1) Stage-specific proteins, some of which are larval cuticular proteins, appear just before and during the change of commitment on day 3. (2) By late the following day (wandering stage), synthesis of these and many other proteins including all the identified larval cuticular proteins and insecticyanin was undetectable. Several noncuticular proteins were transiently synthesized by this pupally committed cell during wandering and sometimes the following day. (3) During the production of pupal cuticle a new set of pupal-specific cuticular proteins as well as some common cuticular proteins (precipitated by both antisera) were synthesized. Some of the latter were also synthesized during the period between pupal commitment and pupal cuticle deposition. In spite of an apparent absence of methionine in both larval and pupal cuticle, many cuticular proteins incorporated35S-methionine. Thus they may be synthesized as proproteins. Insecticyanin was shown to have two forms differing in isoelectric point, the cellular form being more acidic than the hemolymph form. Synthesis of the cellular form ceased before that of the hemolymph form.

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