
Chaoborus, the phantom midge (Insecta, Diptera, Chaoboridae), has a widespread distribution, commonly occurring in lakes and ponds all over the world. In the great lakes region of East Africa Chaoborus is present in Lakes Victoria, Albert, Edward, Malawi and George, but absent from Lakes Tanganyika, Kivu and Turkana. Tropical lakes typically have water temperatures in the range of 22–26 °C year round. Lakes Tanganyika and Kivu have only 20% of their bottom sediments oxygenated during full circulation, contrary to 95–100% in all of the other lakes, excluding Lake Malawi (45%) (Hecky & Kling, 1987). Planktivorous fish are present in all lakes (Lehman, 1995). We hypothesized that the absence of Chaoborus larvae from some lakes of East Africa may be the result of interaction among high temperatures, low oxygen levels, and fish predation.

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