
In order to overcome the challenge of traditional sensors, including large size, complex preparation process, and difficult filling and sensing media, a long-range dielectric-loaded hybrid plasmonic waveguide (LRDLHPW) based on MoS2 is proposed and numerically studied. The propagation length is as high as 4.85 cm, and the corresponding mode width is 981 nm. A near-infrared plasmonic sensor based on the hybrid plasmonic waveguide-nanocavity system achieves a refractive index sensitivity of 787.5 nm/RIU and line width and figure of merit of 30 nm and 26.3, respectively; at the same time, the temperature sensitivity is as high as 2.775 nm/ ° C. Compared with other researches, the sensor proposed in this paper improves the adaptability and sensitivity of the device, and the ultracompact structure combined with the planar waveguide structure makes it easy to integrate to chip. In addition, the device can also be used as an adjustable surface plasmon polaritons band-pass filter. Note that increasing sensitivity is accompanied by decreasing resolution, and vice versa. The trade-off between sensitivity and resolution is important in order to achieve a larger figure of merit. In general, the structure designed by us achieves good optical and sensing characteristics and is widely used in nanophotonic circuits, environmental monitoring, and even drug research.

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