
Sicklepod (Cassia obtusifoliaL. ♯6CASOB), hemp sesbania [Sesbania exaltata(Raf.) Cory ♯ SEBEX], and showy crotalaria (Crotalaria spectabilisRoth. ♯ CVTSP) were grown in controlled-environment greenhouses with day/night temperatures of 23/17, 26/20, 29/23, and 32/26 C. Plant height, leaf area, and total dry weight at 53 days after planting increased significantly with temperatures between 23/17 and 29/23 C in sicklepod and showy crotalaria, and between 23/17 and 32/26 C in hemp sesbania. In all species, leaves were produced more rapidly as temperature increased. Axillary branch leaf production was greatest at 29/23 C in sicklepod, and at 29/23 and 26/20 C in showy crotalaria; hemp sesbania showed little axillary branch development. Total dry-matter production in all species was closely correlated with leaf area duration, but not with net assimilation rate. Differences in total main stem leaf area in all species were primarily due to differences in leaf number rather than to differences in leaf size at maturity.

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