
The Sturgeon Lake greenstone belt separates reworked vestiges of Mesoarchean continental basement of the central Wabigoon Subprovince (Superior Province) from 2.78-2.70 Ga submarine volcanic rocks of the western Wabigoon Subprovince to the west, and as such, may hold the key to unraveling the history of continent-ocean basin interaction. Its tectonostratigraphy may comprise quartz-rich clastic sedimentary rocks representative of ancient platformal cover; submarine, low-potassium tholeiitic basalts and thin felsic tuffs that correlate with 2.775 Ga sequences; calc-alkaline-dominated, upward-shoaling, volcano-sedimentary rocks that resemble 2.745-2.704 Ga volcanic rocks at Savant Lake and 2.735 Ga caldera deposits in the south; and post-2.718 Ga fluvial-clastic sedimentary rocks. The central part of the Sturgeon Lake belt is deformed by east-southeast-trending, moderately to shallowly plunging F1 folds, which are locally refolded by northeast-trending, variably plunging F2 folds. Northeast-striking high-strain zones may separate temporally distinct volcanic sequences or reflect strain localizaton across rheological boundaries.

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