
The interpretation of the concept of "professional scientific article" as a type of scientific publication, which actualizes and characterizes the final or intermediate results of research in a particular specialty (specialty, profession, qualification, scientific discipline) based on analysis of recent research by other authors, substantiation of ways and methods scientific results, presentation of logical and concise conclusions and outlining the prospects for further research. A professional scientific article is a mini-study that has, in accordance with a holistic, comprehensive and systematic methodological approaches, the same structural components as a general study of a particular problem, of which it is a component. The technology of writing a professional scientific article, conditionally divided into three stages, is substantiated and characterized: the choice of the topic of the scientific article; collecting or supplementing the necessary theoretical and empirical material; elaboration of the collected material and its structuring-presentation in the format of a scientific article. The criteria for choosing the topic of a professional scientific article, an approximate scientific novelty are determined: by the subdivision of the currently carried out research; in the context of the academic discipline taught by the scientist, conducting educational activities in educational institutions; in the plane of the target topic of a particular scientific journal; as a situational topic that arises as a result of: available material for further study; sudden emergence of a scientific idea; interesting topic of speech at the conference, etc. The criteria of conformity of the scientific article to modern requirements are generalized: the importance, timeliness, relevance and prevalence of this problem; originality, uniqueness of the content of the article as a sign of scientific value and reflection of the author's professionalism; adherence to academic integrity, primarily through the presence of their own opinions and vocations to other authors; the integrity of the disclosure of one or more related issues; consistency and logic of the material; quality of writing style (intelligibility, accessibility, straightforwardness, ease of understanding and logic); accuracy of scientific terminology; literacy of the text; degree of thoughtfulness, purposefulness, relevance, elaboration of a sufficient number of used scientific sources; use of a sufficient experimental sample; providing verified, reliable, absolutely proven information, the provability of the content of the text; logic, brevity, authenticity and reliability of conclusions; critical in the selection of facts; compliance with the relevant requirements and recommendations of the editorial boards. It is emphasized that it is necessary to secure the scientific-conflict situation as a result of writing a professional scientific article by formulating tolerant and balanced scientific appeals (with examples); at the stage of elaboration of the collected material and its structuring-presentation in the format of a scientific article, the scientific text should be formulated in only two ways: presenting the opinions of other scientists and the author's own opinions, which is the scientific novelty of the article.

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