
Background. The most effective and cost-effective method of improving the supply of micronutrients is the enrichment of consumer foods, which are the most com­mon and consumed by all groups of adults and children. One of the means of iodine deficiency prevention is iodized salt usage. The aim of the work is to develop the recipe and substantiate the production techno­logy of cooked smoked sausages for functional purposes with the iodized table salt usage. Materials and methods. The object of research is boiled-smoked sausage cer­velat Vinnytskyi, which recipe includes iodized salt according to DSTU 4307: 2004 and water is replaced by ice. The boiled-smoked sausage of the highest grade – cervelat Ukrainskyi was takenas a control sample. The quality research of finished sausages was carried out in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 4591: 2006 on organoleptic parameters. The amount of iodine was determined by the Folgard argentometric method by back titration. Results. Methods of iodine enrichment of food products are analyzed. The mineral composition of meat as a raw material for the production of sausages is presented. Various formulations of mixtures for raw meat salting and formulations of control and test samples of sausages are given. In the recipe of cervelat Vinnytskyi, beef is used 1.7 times less, and pork on the contrary – 2.75 times more. However, neither soy granules nor starch, which is positive, are used in the formulation of the developed product. Also, the type of spicy food additive to enhance the accent of a particular flavor is changed. The technology of salting ground raw meat with iodized salt is proposed. The obtained data confirm that the majority of organoleptic parameters of the test sample does not differ from the control. According to the calculations, the sodium iodide content in boiled-smoked sausage, cervelat Vinnytskyi was determined at the level of 50 mcg per 100 g of product, while in the control sample it was absent. Conclusion. An experimental batch of boiled-smoked sausage cervelat Vinnytskyi of the highest grade with the use of iodized salt was made. The developed technology of cooked-smoked sausage salting with iodized salt allows to enrich the finished product with micronutrients and prevent iodine deficiency. The usage of iodized salt for a wide range of sausages requires further medical and biological research.

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