
The population of the present study which was designed to develop "Teachers’ Efficacy Scale in Student Recognition” (TESSR), consists of teachers who teach in public elementary schools in different branches. The sample of the study is 139 participants determined randomly and participating voluntarily. After testing the appropriateness of the data analysis, the scale showed, four-dimensional structure consisting of 28 items as result exploratory factor analysis. According to these values, among these factors first factor explain %35,906%, second factor 8.366%, third factor 6,862% and fourth factor 5.842% of the total variance of the scale. The total variance explained by these four factors together is 56.976%. The factors forming the scale were named by looking at teachers' behavior of student recognition that items include. Suitability of the obtained model was tested with Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Accordingly, for RMSEA 0.000, for CFI 1.00, for GFI 0.69, for RMR 0.073 and for the AGFI 0.64 fit indexes were calculated. As a result of reliability analysis carried out on the scale, the Cronbach alpha internal consistency coefficient was calculated as 0,869 for the first factor, 0.858 for the sec- ond factor, 0.860 for the third factor and 0.823 for the fourth factor. The internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach alfa) calculated for all items of TESSR was found as 0,928. According to these values, the development of "Teachers' Efficacy Scale in Student Recognition" which is valid, reliable and suitable for use in the field has been completed.

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