
Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) TdT is a unique, template-independent DNA polymerase which adds random nucleotides to the free 3' ends of DNA molecules. Its expression is limited almost entirely to immature lymphocytes and has not been detected at significant levels early during ontogeny in most species. This chapter presents a study in which heterozygotes had a normal phenotype. TdT–/–homozygous mutant mice bred well and appeared healthy in a conventional animal facility. No anomalies other than those affecting the immune system were found. There was no increased susceptibility to infections. No significant alterations in the major T-and B-cell compartments were detected. TdT–/– mice mount normal T-and B-cell responses to complex antigens. The study shows that TdT is responsible for N nucleotide addition and is essential for the creation of diversity in lymphocyte antigen receptor repertoires.

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