
Leptographium procerum (Ophiostomatales, Ascomycota) is a well-known fungal associate of pine root-infesting bark beetles and weevils, occurring in several countries of the world. The fungus is not a primary pathogen but has been associated with white pine root decline in the USA and with serious damage caused by the introduced red turpentine beetle (RTB) Dendroctonus valens in China. Several species closely related to L. procerum have been described during the past decade. The aim of this study was to reevaluate species boundaries in the L. procerum complex using multigene phylogenetic analyses and morphological comparisons. Phylogenetic analyses of seven gene regions (ITS2-LSU, actin, β-tubulin, calmodulin, translation elongation factor 1-α, and the mating type genes MAT1-1-3 and MAT1-2-1) distinguished between nine species in the complex. These included L. procerum, L. bhutanense, L. gracile, L. profanum, L. pini-densiflorae, L. sibiricum, L. sinoprocerum, as well as two new species described here as Leptographium sinense sp. nov. from Hylobitelus xiaoi on Pinus elliottii in China, and Leptographium longiconidiophorum sp. nov. from Pinus densiflora in Japan. Leptographium latens is reduced to synonymy with L. gracile, and an epitype is designated for L. procerum, because a living culture associated with the holotype of L. procerum did not exist. Amplification patterns of the mating type genes suggest that all known species in the L. procerum complex are heterothallic, although sexual states have not been observed for any of the species. The results also suggest that Eastern Asia is most probably the centre of species diversity for the L. procerum complex.

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